Calc Basic format borders colour setting seems wrong

I am trying to format some cells in a sheet using Basic macros. I have never tried this level of programming using Calc but I have been doing similar things with Excel since about 1989 (Excel version 2, well before VBA was introduced). I am still learning the object properties/methods to perform the operations I need.

When I try to set the border colour using RGB(255,0,0) I get blue borders. Xray shows the values RGB(0,0,255)

When I use RGB(0,0,255) I get red borders. Xray shows the values RGB(255,0,0). Here is the essence of my code based in anther post.

			Dim basicborder As new
		Dim oborder As Object
		oborder = .TableBorder
		BasicBorder.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
		BasicBorder.InnerLineWidth = 0
		BasicBorder.OuterLineWidth = 40
		BasicBorder.LineDistance = 0
		oBorder.LeftLine = BasicBorder
		oBorder.TopLine = BasicBorder
		oBorder.RightLine = BasicBorder
		oBorder.BottomLine = basicborder

is this a bug? Is there a workaround?

I think that it is related to using the option Option VbaSupport 1
When this is not present it works as expected. /when it is included then the Red and Blue switch over,

LibreOffice Version: (x64) running on Windows 10