I have this formula for calculating time elapsed:
=INT(G3-G2)&" days, "&HOUR(G3-G2)&" hours, "&MINUTE(G3-G2)&" min, "&SECOND(G3-G2)&" sec"
In Excel, I can paste a time such as “May 15 13:41:58” and it is automagically converted to “5/15/2018 20:30”* which is usable by the formula. In Calc, the conversion doesn’t occur so the formula fails to produce a result. I’m not savvy enough with Calc or spreadsheets in general to know how to resolve this, so any input would be appreciated.
* That’s what shows up in the cell; the formula box actually shows “5/15/2018 8:30:25 PM” when the cell is selected.
As a side note, I’d actually like any days to be automatically converted to hours and added to the hours total if anyone knows how that can be done.