Calc: convert pounds to kilos

I’m pretty much a newbie to LibreOffice Calc. Is there a function that converts pounds to kilos?

Although you think of your problem as a math one, retag your question to remove tag math which means you’re in trouble with the math formula editor. This is not your case and you’re confusing people who use tags to receive notification about their centers of interest.

I have attempted to edit/retag this entry to remove the “math” tag. No matter what I do, the “math” tag reappears. How does one remove an incorrect tag?

Click on the retag link, remove the offending tag, pres twice the Return key.

Not all magnitudes are strictly proportional across measurement systems. Perhaps for this reason there is also the CONVERT() function.



Thanks so much!

Extrapolating from your example, I was able to use cell references, like in Excel, to finish the conversions. I was not previously aware that Calc uses semi-colons as dividers between the elements of a function. Your answer was very helpful. Thank you!


Note that unit names can also go in cells, possibly make a selection list for them, referencing those cells too in the function to have a dynamic conversion tool. Just make sure to distinguish between types of unit. In particular, “lbf” vs “lbm” may cause headache if you don’t understand the difference between mass and force.

More headache material:

The convert function and some others are classified as “add in functions” but in my experience they are always there when you install LO/AOO.

I believe I read something about the OpenOffice CONVERT() being for money exchange rates, so they made a CONVERT_ADD() function which mimicked the Excel add-in. With the fork from AOO, LO turned this around again so Excel’s CONVERT() is again CONVERT() and AOO CONVERT() is LO CONVERT_OOO().

I have done nothing to confirm that such is in fact the case, just thought I’d mention it so you all remember that some tests may be in order, should the convert confusion arise.

Yes, it is a simple multiplication. Probably, you should attend a class in very basic maths. Otherwise, software like Calc won’t be of much use to you.