Calc: Customize comment indicator?

Is there a way to customize the comment indicator? I’d like it to be a larger and more noticeable in one of my calc documents, not all of my calc documets. Is there a way to do that so it also displays the larger indicator for people that use the document?

If there is a way to edit it so it’s more noticeable in all documents please share how to do that.

Maybe draw numbered rectangles (AutoShape) over comment Indicators? In Excel, this is done using a macro. Well, or unnumbered, but more noticeable. It will take a little more work for Calc.
Снимок экрана от 2021-08-22 09-39-50
Two routines needed:

How would you access a “CommentIndicator”?
What’s an “IndicatorShape”?

There isn’t a way to change the indicator as far as I know.
If cells having annotations (“comments”) should be emphasized more clearly, you could do it by a ConditionalFormat.
To be able to define such a format, you need an “introspective function” telling whether a given cell has an annotation. To allow a user function called by a Calc formula to work with a specific cell, you may pass the three relevant index values returned by SHEET(), ROW() and COLUMN().

Function srcCellhasAnnotation(s As Long, r As Long, c As Long) As Boolean
cell = ThisComponent.Sheets(s-1).getCellByPosition(c-1, r-1)
REM The API uses 0-based indices.
srcCellhasAnnotation = NOT IsNull(cell.Annotation.AnnotationShape)
End Function

I already have a conditional format on the cells that have comments included in them. I attempted making them have another conditional format for a different scenario and it made a mess of everything on every sheet in the document so I’m not doing that again. I’m only using one conditional format because it did that.

the way this site formats texts annoys me! can’t stand it!

What does the script do?

Since there already is a conditional format I’d like the little red square to be more noticeable somehow.

It’s a function looking at one cell, and returning true if there is an annotation and false otherwise.

You already told so. No way as yet, afaik. You may file a feature request.

Thank you, Lupp! I’'ll submit a feature request and see what happens.

If you actually do, please also append a link here to the request. (The format is tdf#nnnnnn where the n…n stand for the bug’s ID.

You can get appeare the comments in other ways - if the mark is too small for you:

Thank you, Zizi64. I want the indicator to be noticed easier. It’s a really tiny little square. I was hoping it could be made larger somehow. Apparently that’s not possible.

The LibreOffice is an open source software. You can modify the source code… :wink:

Sure. I can.
Then I’d have to ask and expect people to download my version of libre office just so they would have an easier-to-see comment indicator. Not worth the effort for such a minor thing.
Thanks for the suggestion though and the reminder that it’s open source!

The idea is not that you create your own program based on LibreOffice, with some improvements. The idea is that you prepare the changes and offer them as a patch to the LibreOffice project. Then every user of LibreOffice would benefit from your contribution :slight_smile: This is what open source means :smiley: