I am using a workbook as a master price list and in other workbooks I am attempting to reference a specific range in multiple different cells using the VLOOKUP function. It seems that each cell that references the named range offsets the cell reference within that definition and I always want it to be cells A2:E500.
My goal is to be able to keep that master price sheet updated with 5 columns of info and on the other sheets to be able to enter a part number and have it find the manufacturer name, supplier, description and price from my master list. I first made a direct reference to the range I wanted and then copied the text from that cell into a named range, then went in and put $ in the cell coordinates to get
But when I look at about the 16 row on the spreadsheet where I auto-filled and there is a “#N/A” result for a part number known to be valid, I can click on the named range and it shows up as:
Why are the cell numbers changing and how do I lock them down?