I’m attempting a fairly trivial task - take a name specified in one column and write it into two columns - i.e my source sheet has a column with names in the format “John Smith”. I want to split this into two columns “John” and “Smith”. I managed to type in the appropriate formula for the forename [=LEFT(A1,SEARCH(" ", A1)-1)] the first time. I wasn’t as successful with the surname. (Incidentally, I know that this approach won’t work for all names and it’s easy to construct examples that break this algorithm. I’m presenting a simplified version of my requirements to illustrate my point.)
So, I turned to Google for help. The first hit I followed led me to a help.libreoffice.org/Main_Page which has information for earlier versions of LO. Fair enough.
I followed the link at the top of the page to help for the latest version.
- This page is for help on LibreOffice Writer. This wasn’t obvious enough for me to spot it first time around. When I did notice, I was able to switch to help for Calc fairly easily although that wasn’t obvious either.
I then found my way to a list of text functions.
- This page would be much more usable if the functions were listed in alphabetical order.
Eventually I found the information for RIGHT. I want a function that gives me from character N to the end of the string. RIGHT gives me the last N characters. Fair enough.
I checked MID. That will give me M characters starting at character N. I would expect the third argument to be optional and to default to “all remaining characters” if omitted.
Maybe there is such a function but I can’t easily find it in the list of text functions.
- I like to be a Good Citizen and report concerns like this when I see them. I don’t believe you’ve done this on purpose and I can’t expect you to fix it if you don’t know about it. It’s awfully difficult to report problems like this to you. The system works as documented, so it’s not a bug and shouldn’t be reported as such. I can’t find anywhere to request a new feature beyond a suggestion that I fund someone to do it, or do it myself and share the results with you. How about a “feedback” button on the help page and/or a “contact us” button somewhere obvious on the website - I couldn’t see anything on the help page or on https://help.libreoffice.org or on https://www.libreoffice.org.
You have produced some nice, free, software. It’s a shame to let yourselves down over pretty simple details.
[I apologise for not finding a more specific, perhaps better tag. Again, it’s not easy enough to browse the existing tags. That may be why you have 168 pages of tags.]
[It might be a nice idea to display the list of required tags permanently rather than force me to complete the Captcha for a third time.]