Sample File.ods (16.3 KB)
OK. Attached is a sample file in ODF format. I imported it to Calc from the csv file and set column 1 to date format, UK style, i.e. d/m/y,. I have deleted the contents of columns labelled “Transaction Type” which is just a 3 letter code that doesn’t relate to date in any way, “Sort Code”, “Account Number” and "Transaction Description"since I don’t want to reveal my bank details or details of the source of payments. Nothing in them relates to date information. The deposits, withdrawals and balance are real amounts. If you start at the bottom and read up you can see that the balance makes perfect sense. There was 500 in the account before the first transaction so a deposit of 437.77 increased the balance to 937.77. A withdrawal of 437.77 then reduced the balance back to 500. A deposit of 50 took it up to 550, a deposit of 100 took it up to 650, a deposit of 900.12 took it up to 1,550.12 and so on. All perfectly logical.
Sample File Sorted.ods (16.5 KB)
The second file is after sorting in ascending order using the first column. Notice that there is no second column that I can use to differentiate transactions on the same date. If you now start at the top and read down the first transaction is still correct but the next three, on the same day, make no sense at all. A deposit of 100 reduces a balance of 934.77 to 650, a further deposit of 50 reduces the balance to 550 and then a withdrawal of 434.77 reduces the balance to 500. This sort of garbage is repeated in various places on the sheet. It is clear that for multiple rows where the dates are the same it has kept the rows in their original order.
As far as I know it is common for banks to export account transaction data in csv format. I cannot imagine what anybody would do with such data other than import it into a spreadsheet. I cannot be unique in wanting to display data in ascending date order rather than descending? This must be a common problem?
I would challenge the idea that “it just isn’t doing what I want it to do”. If the sorting column contains dates then it is a series of events in time. Having multiple events on the same day cannot be that unusual? If the column is clearly in descending order, which it is, then surely it must be interpreted that the order of the events is from bottom to top. To change that to descending order, i.s. reverse the column, it is necessary to reverse the order of the events on the same day. Excel seems to be doing what is logical.
I am not interested in engaging in software wars. I have no affiliation to any particular software. The first spreadsheet I used was VisiCalc in the early 80s and I’ve used many variants since. My favourite was Lotus 123. I have been using MS Office for many years but swapped to Libre Office this year when I built a new PC and couldn’t afford to buy the latest version. I am happy with Libre Office and I am not criticising Calc, just trying to resolve an issue.