I have a spread sheet with some complex formatting, and I do a lot of drag-and-drop of individual cells.
How do I drag-and-drop without disturbing my original formatting? I need to d-a-d text only, or text and formulas only.
Copy → Paste special… allows you to choose what you paste: values, text, formulas, formatting, etc
It can’t be done drag-and-drop.
Hi @SusanCragin, Were you responding to @mikebibo’s Answer? I think you should have enough karma now to comment on Answers
Sounds like you have a couple of different use cases:
I need to d-a-d text only, or text and formulas only.
How were you hoping to be able to drag-n-drop in the couple of different ways? Were you thinking about holding down an option/modifier key while you dragged a particular cell, or?
If you still haven’t found an answer yet, it’s possible that we don’t know or the feature hasn’t been implemented. If you have a good idea about how this should work, please file an enhancement bug and provide a description of how the drag-and-drop would be easiest for our users. Don’t forget to mark your bug as an ‘enhancement’. The QA team will be happy to help you triage your feature request in the bugtracker.
Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.