[CALC] How to calculate a duration by adding quarter hours


I have a table on Calc of phone call schedules per quarter of an hour with several people.

Here the table :

I would like to calculate in the column AJ the total time per quarter hour for each line please.

For example, on the first line, there is a total of 4h30 but I can’t find the correct calculation formula.

Can you help me?

Thank you !

May be


(if the first cell on your screenshot is B1)

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This one won’t let you easily change some columns’ durations, though.

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Thank you JohnSUN for your reply.

I couldn’t get this formula to work, I got an error code.

Thanks anyway !

Thank you mikekaganski for your reply.

It worked!

Many thanks!

The thing is, the people who are trying to help you are creating their spreadsheet based on the image of your own spreadsheet that you provided. And the data that their formulas work with is most likely not the same data that is in your spreadsheet. If you had attached an example spreadsheet to your question instead of a screenshot - like this Sum time by marks.ods (14.2 KB) - you would have gotten the right answer right away.

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