Calc - how to prevent multi-sheet modification

I sometimes need to search a specific word across multiple worksheets and so I select several of them and do the search. However, at times, after I’d found the word I want, I forgot to switch back to select one worksheet only and start editing right away. This result in modifying all the selected worksheets at once.

I know I can lock all the worksheets to prevent making such mistake but this method is quite clumsy as I need to first type password to unlock and lock it again after modification.

I really want to know if there’s an option that allow disable multi-sheet modification.

Any Multisheetselection needs explizit Actions by $User… so what?

independent from that, theris also an Option …All Sheets in Search&Replace wich does not need Multiselection!

And you can Protect Sheet with a blank password. This way Protect Sheet is a three click job, and un-Protect Sheet a two click job; you can choose to do it from menu Tools or with secondary click on the sheet name tab.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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