Calc: how to see file size of image in sheet?

How can users find out about the file size of an image used in a calc sheet?

Was hoping to right-click and see a Properties option which would then inform about the file size. But such option does not exist. I want to find out why an xls file is so large and I suspect the used images but have no way to learn about their file size.

@mikekagaanski’s solution does answer your first question as to how users could view the image size. But you also mention trying to determine the reason a specific file is so large. The method I have had success with in the past is to rename the document to a zip file and open it. You can then browse through the file like any other folder structure and see which components are taking the most room. Not really an end user thing though unless they’re ok with this kind of thing and backing up their files.

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Note that it won’t work for XLS, only for XLSX (or ODS).

Ahh, yes sorry missed that vital piece of info.

Why sorry? Simply saving the XLS as one of the ZIP-based formats would enable to use your method (of course, the total size of the document may change somewhat, but one still can get the idea what takes how much).

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Use Compress to see both the current image size, and possible new size after compression.

But note that the image size in the target document may be different, because not all formats store it the same way (e.g., FODS would use Base64 encoding, inflating size by 1/3rd).


Thanks Mike, this was very helpful :+1: