Calc: Hyperlink - Open File giving "Operation not supported" Error


I’ve been having this issue since a couple of years and versions of LO calc, now running on Ubuntu 18.04 w/ Gnome.

Description: Copy an existing hyperlink from Cell A to Cell B, go to Cell B, press CTRL-K, at the top line “Document”, click the Folder Icon to the right to “Open File” - an Error Message Window appears saying: The folder contents could not be displayed Operation not supported". The linked files does exist, and it resides in my /home/… folder with default permissions. However, the file is not an Office Document or the like, but I expect the “Open File” dialog to only show the containing folder anyway.

Any suggestions?


I would like to reopen this issue as it is still present: Ubuntu 20.04 w/ Gnome/Mate/Xfce, Libreoffice