short description for those short in time:
‘it looks as if the password protection of shared files is lost after saving changes’
couldn’t find qualified info in short time, question:
we collaborative use ‘shared files’ (tools - share spreadsheet) stored on a ‘cloud’ server, for additional safety, data protection laws and rights management we’d like to protect them with a password.
once i try to set a password on a shared file i’m told:
Warning saving the document xxxxxx:
The password of a shared spreadsheet cannot be set or changed.
Deactivate sharing mode first.’
if i try the other way - first add password protection, then share - it works, i get
‘file must be saved to activate shared mode’,
it saves automatically, and after close - reopen i’m asked for the password, but!
!!! after a subsequent change and save the password protection is lost !!!
that doesn’t happen with ‘unshared’ files, there the password protection survives change - save - close - reopen.
actual ver.: unthreaded winx64
anybody an idea?
tia for every help,