Previous versions allowed to select cell borders and then select the weight of the border lines. Version 6 allows to select cell borders but when I select the border style of the border lines from the toolbar, it doesn’t recognize my choices for a heavier weight.
In my opinion the behavior is the same like before. Unfortunately the side bar does not show the altered weights of the borders. Use “More options” resp. cell format > Borders.
Adding to my original post… if I go to [Format] [Cell] [Borders] [Width], I can enter a new width, but all widths look the same regardless of the width I select. The same result goes for changing the border width from the toolbar. I only get one border width no matter what I select or how I select it.
Like the previous comments, I find the current employment of “Cell Styles” “Line Arrangement” and “Line Style” limited. The same holds true for style matching of color backgrounds. I’m not a spreadsheet geek but I do find this area to be very problematic. I would like to know if this experience is shared and needs attention.