Calc macro failing to update sheet data from Base query


You are possibly missing some information. Yes, the chart will update automatically the values WITHIN the (Chart) RANGE specified. You can actually see this with adding:

Exit sub

After the oRange.refresh() line. All seems to work fine in this case.

With that in place, expand the Base result to have more than 15 lines. Anything beyond B15 will NOT appear in the chart. That is because it’s dimensions are fixed from when the chart was created. The Chart does NOT see the new Range dimensions. That changes when you execute oChart.setRanges(Array(oAddress)). The macro alters the dimensions based upon the amount of data retrieved from Base. It could be less or it could be more.

That is a partial reason why I presented in my comment to you using two different Ranges. Using a single Range AND adjusting the Chart Range via the macro.

So bottom line is that with your setup and never more than 14 lines of data you only need to refresh the Base data - do it from menu.

To me it seems best to cover all bases with the macro instead of relying upon a best guess. Some day the unexpected will happen.

Also worth noting, a chart does not need a named range to be created.


Some related posts & bug reports:



Hope this helps with your understanding of the situation.

OK, I’ve got it working now, using one data range (Import1) and your macro to expand the data range when necessary. It is the case at the moment that the number of values for ‘Nationality’ is fixed at 14 max, but this could change in future. The only residual ‘untidiness’ is that I can’t seem to exclude ‘Nationality_ID’ from the chart when it’s based upon range Import1. But I’ll play around…

Many thanks for your patience and effort with this one, Ratslinger. Your help is very much appreciated.

Solved. Just hide the unwanted column. All fine. Many thanks.

My ods file.STAT_Clients-by-Nationality.ods

Don’t worry - all data is dummy.

OK found the problem. You have two data ranges established. One is “Import1” which is where you get the data from the Base file (Data Source). Then there is “NationalityData” which is what the chart is based upon. You are using “NationalityData” for refreshing the Base data when you should be using “Import1”.

Change this:

oRange = oDatabaseRanges.getByName("NationalityData")	REM Your DB Range name


oRange = oDatabaseRanges.getByName("Import1")	REM Your DB Range name
oRange = oDatabaseRanges.getByName("NationalityData")	REM Your DB Range name

Works for me.

If all goes well this answer can be deleted.


Note that had you not included the “ID” in the query from Base this could all be done with one range. With your set-up, you need to refresh one and get the chart data from the other one after the first is refreshed.

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After some more thought, the two range method can give you problems. By having just one, and using the original code, the chart is automatically expanded or contracted depending upon the result returned from Base. With your method, you always have these “none” identities and if the return is less than the previous result you may even have erroneous data displayed.