This is a sample/result that I need for cell B3 and B4:
"""FirstName""" & " " & "||" & " " & _
From Sheet1:
Cell A2 : FieldA
Cell B2 : =CONCATENATE("""""""",A2, """""""",REPT(" ",1),"&",REPT(" ",1),"""",",","""",REPT(" ",1),"&",REPT(" ",1),"_")
Cell A3 : FieldB
Cell B3 : =CONCATENATE("""""""",A3, """""""",REPT(" ",1),"&",REPT(" ",1),""",REPT(" ",1),""",REPT(" ",1),"&",REPT(" ",1),"""","||","""",REPT(" ",1),"&",REPT(" ",1),""",REPT(" ",1),""","&",REPT(" ",1),"&",REPT(" ",1),"_")
Cell A4: FieldC
Cell B4 : =CONCATENATE("""""""",A4, """"""""," ","&"," ","""," ","""," ","&"," ","""","||",""""," ","&"," ","""," ",""","&"," ","&"," ","_")
Cell B3 and B4 showed error code Err:509
, is there any limitation of string number to be combined in CONCATENATE
And are there any more ways to substitute for " "
(space) in formula of Calc ?
Locbaf_Developer_SQL_Design_FillUpGridProduct_20220627_1140_AskLO.ods (17.7 KB)