Calc right-to-left sheet annoying bug when frozen view since

Since the latest update (Now I am Using on Ubuntu 23.10 Linux 6.5), even if the sheet is right-to-left, whenever I use “Freeze rows and coloumns” the frozen coloumn is on the left (which must be on the right, and always have been, because the sheet is right-to-left).
Even the coloumn which contains the auto index number (1,2,3,…) is on the left.
That problem is really annoying in rrrright to left languages like Persian, and even makes me think to use alternatives for calc.

I suggest that you downgrade to version 7.5, which is the mainstream version (7.6 is for enthusiasts!) until this bug is solved.

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If you want the bug to get fixed, first step is to report it on Bugzilla: