Calc trying to insert a row page break, prints a blank page

When I print I get a blank sheet of paper for my spread sheet that is 110 lines long and should print two pages.
When I look at print preview the screen goes dark and the Sheet > page break > row does not show.
This is too simple a problem to be a bug (I hope).
So what setting in my sheet could be causing this?
I’m on Version: (x64), using Windows 10

btw the documentation says ver 4 and has not been updated and the page break info
is listed on another menu.

working copy Schedule A.ods

Leroy G
I used the paper clib/attach and the spreadsheet seemed to attach.
I was trying to put in a page break at line 32 and line 58.
After reading some other posts, I may try to do a Ctrl-A, and then paste special into a new SS, after reading how someone else said that cleared their problem. “Assuming” that there was a bad character in the ss.
thank you for looking at this.
Oh, and all this is a copy and editing sample from the real ss, so nothing in it is really confidential.
I am just trying to keep track of tax deductions.



Can you share the file? Delete all sensible data before, edit your question, and use the paperclip.

You could edit your question, or comment an answer to add information. Do not use Answer to comment.

Not of much help in this case but LibreOffice Help on Row Break (horizontal page break) is on version 6.4, on the correct menu.

Have you correctly defined your print range in Format -> Print Ranges -> Edit...?


  1. Menu Format - Page… - Sheet tab - Scale section, set Scaling mode: to Reduce/enlarge printout and Scaling factor: to 100%.

  2. You has defined A58 as the print range (see Opaque comment). Maybe the correct value is A1:N111.

To add the page breaks: menu Sheet - Insert Page Break - Row Break.

Not related, but I also suggest to use menu View - Freeze Rows and Columns instead of Split Window.

If the answer solved your question, mark the circle to the left.

I got to the reduce/enlarge and set to 100%
I then marked ro 58
I then did the sheet > page break > row break
and selected print
the preview screen on the left of the dialog box is blank for all 3 pages.

Also there is a dotted line between A & B column, as if saying A is a page and B …n…is a page.
I marked B and tried the delete page break but neither the Row or Column is highlighted and selectable.

So no luck on printing.

I change to Freeze R & C instead of Split, what is the difference?

Did you get it to print ?


Define A1:N111 as the print range (see Opaque comment).

Success, I was able to DEFINE a print range, the entire sheet and the added
and the third page printed.

The answer seems to be in thAT I had to: DEFINE PRINT RANGE A1:N111
That is something new to me. Maybe in the latest release ??

So I need to go read release notes.

AND, where is the Opaque comment ? mentioned above ?

Leroy G, Thank you for helping, that was great. I live just North of Austin Texas, USA. If you are near or traveling
to Austin. I’m buying lunch of a big Texas BBQ and brews for you. OR if that doesn’t fit, I’m buying lunch of your choice.
Gary G


Happy that it worked.

One more for you: Just over this comment are a more button. Touch it and select “repost as a question comment”. Thanks.

Opaque posted the third comment under your question.