calc won't print emoji

Hi, yesterday i updated to Ubuntu 20.04 and today i am trying to update my checklist for October in Calc. Now i am having two issues. first I notice that now Calc gets really slow when i put in emoji and second they disappear when i print. attached is a screencapture showing on the left my print preview with my sheet full of emoji and on the right is what i get when i print or export to pdf. It handled and printed emoji just fine before i updated to Ubuntu 20. - Any help would be much appreciated. i am sure its just something i am not seeing. Thanks
Build ID: 1:6.4.6-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
emoji dissapear.png

PS: i tried to print an emoji in writer and it just spits out a blank page
PPS: something interesting, i put it into excel format and sent it to a windows computer, then put it into a pdf and send it back to ubuntu machine and when i see the pdf in gmail they are there but disappear when i download the pdf. - i was able to print them directly from inside chrome and gmail. So i suspect it is not a problem with LO

Choose Format - Page - Sheet tab, and see if Objects/Images is checked.

it is already checked. tried again to be sure and still same problem

Try with a new file, to see if the issue is with Calc or with the original file.

Good idea, Tried simple smiley face in a new file and they show up on print preview but do not appear on the paper or a pdf

Take a look at the guidelines at LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki to see if it can be caused by corruption in the user profile.

The problem persists in safe mode so is not the user profile. - did you see my PPS? it may not be LO since they disappeared from a PDF that i downloaded

In the Search or ask your question field paste Ubuntu 20.04. You will find 71 questions related (you have what to spend time with). Hope that you can solve it soon.

i didnt see anything - today i did a complete reformat and switched to the current Linux Mint distribution and the problem STILL persists.

Take a look at the guidelines at LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki to see if it can be caused by corruption in the user profile. And let us know. Hope that helps.

yeah, i tried that (4 comments up), it still persists even in safe mode. - i also tried a complete LO purge and switched OSs