If I try to use any formulae where one of the cells contains a number with a decimal point i.e. 100.50, I get a #VALUE error. Please help
The information “contains a number with a decimal point i.e. 100.50” is worth nothing at all without telling the locale you are working in. In a german “DE” locale the “.” (dot) is not a decimal delimiter, while in the US locale is. So please add at least your locale to the question or check your setting at Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages
and the “Language” set in the “Format Cells” dialog for a formatted cell.
The cell containing 100.50 may be formatted as text, not a number. Right-click the cell, choose Format Cells (or select the cell and press Ctrl-1). Check that the formatting for the cell is of category Number.
Formatting a cell containing a text as a number doesn’t change the text property of the content. The only solution would be to change the content to a number using the locale decimal delimiter.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I checked settings under language and they were correct.
However, I cannot find the set in the “Format Cells” dialog ?
@Hewtee: Do not know to whom your comment is addressed to. The correct advice depends on the decimal delimiter your locale is set to. If it is “,
” (comma) then you need Find & Replace
. If it is a “.
” (dot) your numbers are most probable text looking like numbers. So please tell us what locale your are using and what is the delimiter in that locale. PS: You cannot set the delimiter in der Format Cells dialog directly buit by changing the Lanuguage on left-most category). May be you can upload an anonymized sample file.