Calculated standard shapes not known to (shown by) the navigator

I have some sheets with reusable content also containing user code.
A few of the routines insert a drawing shape (PolyPolygon, PolyLine) into the DrawPage of a sheet using calculated coordinates.
Interactively created shapes of these types are shown by the navigator and selectable this way. The shapes created by a macro are not.

  • Reasons?
  • Remedy?
  • Way to introduce a new shape to the navigator explicitly by code?

You are right, I should attach an example document.
calculatedShapesNotShownByNavigator.ods (18.7 KB)
[edit 2025-03-01]
See also tdf#165527


Copying it to Draw shows in in the Navigator. There, it’s shown as “Shape 1 (Polyline with 5 points)”.
Drawing a polygon in Calc, which shows in the Calc’s Navigator, and copying it into Draw shows it in Draw’s Navigator as “Polyline with 4 points” (no “Shape”). I can convert it to Curve, then back to Polygon - and it becomes “Shape 2 (Polyline with 4 points)”… and now I can copy it and paste to Calc, and it won’t appear there in Navigator…

Yes. Lot of “fun”.
Do you think it makes sense to report a bug?

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Set the property .Name by your macro code (based on a passed parameter, or based on the number of the Drawing objects).
The named object will be appeared in the Navigator after the macro code create it.
Tested in LO 7.5.8


Your cleverness is helpful once more.

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