This may be impossible, but I will ask anyway.
Elsewhere on this forum a user asked the question “How to call LibreOffice from Visual Basic” and the answer was:
REM Instantiate OOo: this line is mandatory with VB for OOo API
oSM = CreateObject ("")
REM Create the first and most important service
oDesk = oSM.createInstance (" Desktop ")
My question is “How is “” made known to VB?” There seems to be a missing declaration describing how to find it. Is this set up in environment variables perhaps?
My objective is to control LO from Gambas. In Gambas, I can call into shared libraries like so:
Extern getgid() As Integer In "/usr/lib64/libc:6"
Public Sub Form_Open()
Dim intGid As Integer
intGid = getgid()
TextBox1.Text = "GID = "
As you can see, I have to declare a function and its location (which .so file) before I can call it. Is this even possible with LO? Are methods etc. contained in discrete files, or am I wasting my time trying?
Kind regards,