Can corrupted .odt files be automatically detected?

Please, is there any way to automatically detect all (or a significant portion of) corrupted .odt files (= LibreOffice reports that they can´t be opened after trying to do so / LibreOffice crashes after trying to open them without finally opening them etc.) within any folder and its subfolders? Or the best I can do is to open them manually? Thank you.

Without the operating system known, a general direction could be: create a shell script (because a macro won’t work, we know in advance that LibreOffice will crash) that would iterate the files, and run soffice --cat path/to/file.odt. For each call, check the process returned value (it will be non-0 for crashes), and cerr output (it will be “Error: source file could not be loaded” for those that couldn’t be loaded).

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It is probably possible to do this directly in LibreOffice if you call another instance of LO to check the file using the -env:UserInstallation parameter.

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:joy: right, using LibreOffice as a shell is also an option

I’ll try now.

You can use the TestOdtFiles macro.
An optional parameter is the folder for testing. If you do not specify it when calling the macro, the user will be prompted for it.

Option Compatible
Option Explicit

Dim oSFA As Object

' Checking .ods files in a folder and its subfolders.
Sub TestOdtFiles(Optional ByVal path As String)
  Dim arr, arr2, index As Long, i As Long
  Dim oDoc As Object, oSheet As Object, oRange as Object
  Dim oPathSubstitution As Object, oStatusIndicator As Object, oFolderPicker As Object, oLocale As Object
  Dim pInst As String, pTemp As String, soffice As String, aSplit, fout as String, retval, result, parm As String
  If IsMissing(path) Then path=""
  If path="" Then
    oFolderPicker.setTitle "Select a folder to check .odt files"
    If retval=0 Then Exit Sub
  End If  
  ReDim arr(999)
  getFileList arr, index, path, "*.odt", True
  If index=-1 Then
    Msgbox "No .odt files found"
    Exit Sub
  End If   

  oDoc=StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl("private:factory/scalc","_default",0, Array())
  oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,0,1,0).setDataArray Array(Array("File path", "Result"))
  If Msgbox("Number of files to check: " & (index+1) & Chr(10) & "Continue?", MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION)<> IDYES Then
    Exit Sub
  End If  
  aSplit=Split(pInst, "/")
  If lcase(aSplit(Ubound(aSplit)))="libreoffice" Then
    aSplit(Ubound(aSplit))=aSplit(Ubound(aSplit)) & "/program/soffice"
  ElseIf lcase(aSplit(Ubound(aSplit)))="program" Then   
    aSplit(Ubound(aSplit))=aSplit(Ubound(aSplit)) & "/soffice" 
  End If
  soffice=Join(aSplit, "/")
  oStatusIndicator.Start "File check", 100
  For i=0 To Index 
    aSplit=Split(arr(i), "/")
    fout=pTemp & "/LoTest/" & aSplit(Ubound(aSplit))
    fout=Left(fout, Len(fout)-3) & "txt"
    If oSFA.exists(fout) Then oSFA.kill(fout)    
    parm="-env:UserInstallation=" & pTemp & "/LibreOffice" & " --convert-to txt:Text " & " --outdir " & pTemp & "/LoTest " & arr(i)
    retval=Shell(soffice, 0, parm, True)
    If oSFA.exists(fout) Then result="OK"
    oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, i+1).setString arr(i)
    oSheet.getCellByPosition(1, i+1).setString result
    If oSFA.exists(fout) Then oSFA.kill(fout)
    oStatusIndicator.setText "File check: " & (i+1) & " of " & (index+1)
    oStatusIndicator.setValue Cdbl(i+1) / (index+1) *100
  Next i
  ' Format Range
  oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, 1, 0).cellStyle="Accent 3" 
  oRange=oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, 1, index+1)
  ' Don't check spelling
  ' AutoFilter
  oDoc.DatabaseRanges.addNewByName("db_1", oRange.RangeAddress)
  ' OptimalWidth
  For i = 0 To oRange.Columns.Count-1
  Next i
 End Sub

Sub getFileList(ByRef arr, ByRef index, ByVal path, Byval pattern, ByVal subFolders As Boolean)
   Dim file As String, aFiles
   aFiles=oSFA.getFolderContents(path, subFolders)
   For Each file In aFiles
     If oSFA.isFolder(file) Then
       getFileList arr, index, file, pattern, subFolders
       If LCase(file) Like LCase(pattern) Then
         If index>UBound(arr) Then
           ReDim Preserve arr(UBound(arr) * 2)
         End If
       End If
     End If        
   Next file
End Sub
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