Can fields of Postgres composite types be referenced in Base queries?

When creating a query in Base on a connected Postgres database, Base displays a “SQL syntax error” message when referencing a field of a composite data type. This occurs whether using Postgres’s syntax [(composite_type_column).field] or variants that include the table name and omit the parentheses.

Windows 10.
Postgres 9.4.21.


Have not dealt with this type before but find no problem in a Query as you state. Must turn on Run SQL command directly as is the case typically for external DB’s running anything other than basic selects.

Set up was done based upon → 8.16. Composite Types.

Here is record as viewed in pgAdmin3 (pk added):

image description

Here is simple select from Base:

image description

Composite select:

image description

Thanks. Using Run SQL command directly almost does it. The fields are shown, except that one with a domain type equivalent to double precision is shown as zero in all rows.

As stated, this is my first attempt at this type. Don’t have anything else established.

Further test, added double precision to table and ran with:

SELECT (on_hand2.item).name, (on_hand2.dpr).r, (on_hand2.dpr).i FROM on_hand2 WHERE (on_hand2.item).price < 9.99;

without problem. retrieved proper data.

Don’t know what you have to generate zeros.