I have a fairly large (2 meg) spreadsheet that is having severe corruption problems when I try to save it, and once that starts, LibreOffice usually crashes when I try to open it (and cannot “recover” it). I want to take one row of formulas from an earlier, working version and save them to a new sheet. Unfortunately, the existing formulas refer to another sheet ("$MasterList") in the same file.
Although I created a sheet called “MasterList” in a new, blank file, when I attempt to copy the formulas to another sheet in that new file, the copied formula still points to the old file. If I remove the “$” from the formulas, the original formula still works, but the copied version produces a #REF error.
Although I can turn all the formulas into plain text formulas before copying them, it would be easier if there was something in between, which copies the formula but recognizes that a “MasterList” sheet exists in the new file and does not try to link to the old file. Is this possible? Thanks!