Can I disable spell/grammar check for a section of a document?

I’d like to be able to disable any spell/grammer/etc… check for some portions of a document.
Is that possible with LiberOffice?

If you want to be really selective with a user markup, set this language property in a style (paragraph or character depending on your need and the semantics of this part of your text) in the Font tab.

Change the language for that text to ‘none’.

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That did it, thanks!
Just in case someone else reads this…
I originally went to Tools->Options->Language Settings, but that applies it to the whole doc.
For just a selection…
Do it by selecting the text you want, then Format->Character and select [None]

If you want to be really selective with a user markup, set this language property in a style (paragraph or character depending on your need and the semantics of this part of your text) in the Font tab.

Remark: I wonder if your feedback could partially be qualified as an answer. Most probably, it should have been written as a comment to @mariosv’s answer.

Ok, I’ll try that.
Regarding answer/comment… yea, you’re right, shoulda been a comment.

For site rules sake, please, create a comment under m.a.riosv’s answer, then delete your answer. I’ve already transferred my comment so as not to lose it.

I have tried this, setting the language of two paragraphs to None (if only I could set it to Cornish) but the red squiggly lines are still there after I do this. I set the language in Format->Character as instructed.

Click Tools > Spelling, in the dialogue, click the Options button. At the bottom of the new dialogue, there is a link, Get more dictionaries online. Click the link and type Cornish.

Wow, that would be fantastic, and it’s a SWF dictionary too. However when I enter Cornish, or any other language such a German, nothing shows.

You can download it from extensions, CT Cornish Spell-Checker - SWF » Libreoffice Extensions

I installed it, restarted LibreOffice, created a paragraph style for test and the only word flagged from your sample was Monty

That is superb. Many thanks indeed. Monty is the name of my horse and not a Cornish word so it is correct it did not recognise it - Marghek koth means old horse rider (or old knight). Thanks once again.