For my novels, I produce a mass market sized paperback (A-format), a B-format sized paperback, and two ebook editions: one for Kindle, and one as epub.
I'm currently experimenting with using master documents in the hope of having a single document that contains the *body*, with varying front and end matter tailored for each format.
Is there some way to set up a header style that will force itself to be on an odd page (i.e. have Writer insert a blank page if it would otherwise be an even page, i.e. a left page)?
Could I do it by using manual page breaks for chapters, and for the special headings that must be on an odd page, defining a header style that forces a page break - an *extra* page break - when that paragraph style is used on an even page?
For the two paperback versions, I sometimes have the novel structured as a few "Parts". The 'title page' for these parts needs to be on an odd page.
I tried defining such a heading style, but the first page of a chapter typically has no header or footer (and no page number), in fiction novels. This means I must use a page style I've defined that omits the header and footer. There seems to be no way to set an automatic page break that forces a page to appear on an odd page (or even), only a way to select a Left Page style or Right page style. Unfortunately that's no help as I *must* use my custom no-header-or-footer page style, and whether a page is odd or not will depend on the text layout. A page could certainly be odd in one sized paperback and even in the other. (I'm optimistic that in the master document for the ebook editions I can define the heading style to force no extra page break, so the ebook editions won't get blank pages inserted.)
I want to keep the main body of the book as a single file, not split it into pieces, so that I can perform global searches and/or replaces or just inspection, and having to repeat them across multiple files would likely lead to me making an errors. If not for that, I could just manually insert a blank page file into the appropriate master document at necessary points.