Can I specify the source, library and module when using a macro in a formula?

As the title implies: suppose in the current document or in a shared macro library I have a macro function with the wonderfully specific name “do_it”. Then I can use DO_IT in formulae in a spreadsheet, e.g. =DO_IT(17) .

But suppose elsewhere there is another macro function with the same name, or (as a best practice) I just wish to be 100% sure I get the right macro, e.g. from a module Module1 in the library Standard (and not some built-in Calc function of that name either). Can I then specify something (mutatis mutandis) like =STANDARD.MODULE1.DO_IT(17)?

If there is such a syntax, then:

  • What variations are possible, e.g. omitting some parts or the specification?
  • Can one specify whether to look in a document or a shared macro library such as My Macros & Dialogs?
  • Can one also call functions in a different document?
  • Can I explicitly specify that I want a built-in function rather than a macro function?

In the help at file:///opt/libreoffice7.6/help/en-GB/text/scalc/guide/userdefined_function.html?DbPAR=CALC only the simple syntax =DO_IT(17) is shown.

I have experimented a little with quoting and exact casing, but nothing I tried worked:(

You can use those macro Cell functions in all of the spreadsheet documents, that macro functions are located in the MyMacros/Standard directory.
Or you can copy-paste the macros - located in the document Standard library - into the Standard library of the another document.

You can/must decide what you want to use. Never name your macro functions with same names as the built-in functions has. (There are reserved names.)

In my experience, the Calc will to look in the document library first, then in the My Macros. It never will search a called macro in an another document.
It in not a good idea to use same macro function name in the document and in the MyMacros with different macro code.
Use the Standard directory of the document if you want a portable macro.

I am aware of these things, but they can happen by accident, or because a new version of Libre Office adds a homonymous function. But all the same, they are points worth making!

On the other, your comments do not actually answer any part of my question — I wonder if some one else can tell us more!

(Edit: Tone softened)