Can LibreOffice make a Tree/Folder structure?

On a Win11 desktop PC, with LibreOffice,
I would like a Tree? or Folder? structure, like:

Animals ﹀
_____Dogs >
_____Cats ﹀
__________Barney >
__________Fluffy >
_____Horses ﹀
__________Trigger >
_____Goats >

Can LibreOffice do this?

Thanks, people.

Please, describe more clearly what you want.

Is it “simply” a hierarchical list you enter manually? Do you want to retrieve it from some OS command output and paste it into a Writer document?

Be aware that such data is “frozen” in Writer: you can’t expand the “triangles” to show selectively the tree.

Are you familiar with styles?

LIFE.odb (12.4 KB)

Thanks for the reply, Ajlittoz.
I think that the answer to your question is Yes, entered manually.
Under DOGS> there could be Rover> and Spot> and RinTinTin> and MANY other Dogs.
Each of those “dog name” entries could have Many sub(folders/categories), like
_____AKC Breed>
__________123 Some Street, Denver, CO
_____Favorite Food>

All of the data would probably be entered manually, or Copy/Pasted from some other file, and I want to click on any of the “﹀” lines, so that none of those “sub-categories” are showing.

Not only Text data. I want to be able to include JPG pictures, PDF files, and anything else that LibreOffice can handle.

Nope, I’m not familiar with Styles. I just read a bit about that in online “LibreOffice 25.2 Help Contents” and I don’t see how that works in this scenario. If You think that the Styles thing WILL do what I want, then I’ll study it further.

Villeroy, I looked at your Life.ODB file. Thanks very much for creating that sample.
Looks like it does sorta’ have “sub-categories”, but they’re not near as easy to Expand or Contract as I would like. What you created there is a Database file?.. I’m assuming that I want a Writer file.


Thanks, people.

Calc can do : Group and Outline

and maybe more generally:

Don’t use Writer.
On reading your first post I thought of flow-charts, but then I read your addition on the objects to add:

So my guess is you wish to create a html-website and your folders/categories will be links to other html-files.
The main question is: What is your goal?

  • Simply collecting data, then html is sufficient
  • Have a graphic overview of the structure: Research the mindmapping software mentioned by @fpy
  • Analyse data (requires structure): Learn to use a Database, where your nodes may be reports from the database.
  • Invent something: try Jupyter notebooks

PS: Writer can create html and handle links, but I would not recommend it for this task (unless your neede are very basic).

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Click any category and you see its subcategories. You can edit, delete, insert categories and subcategories directly in place.

Once you have the hierarchical structure in a database, you can generate spreadsheets and text files from that.
LIFE_with_Report.odb (19.5 KB) (open the report)