Can LibreOffice make a Tree/Folder structure?

On a Win11 desktop PC, with LibreOffice,
I would like a Tree? or Folder? structure, like:

Animals ﹀
_____Dogs >
_____Cats ﹀
__________Barney >
__________Fluffy >
_____Horses ﹀
__________Trigger >
_____Goats >

Can LibreOffice do this?

Thanks, people.

Please, describe more clearly what you want.

Is it “simply” a hierarchical list you enter manually? Do you want to retrieve it from some OS command output and paste it into a Writer document?

Be aware that such data is “frozen” in Writer: you can’t expand the “triangles” to show selectively the tree.

Are you familiar with styles?

LIFE.odb (12.4 KB)