Hello ! Just a question about template.
Here is the situation : I need to format automatically my spreadsheets with 80 sheets, and so every week. At hand that’s too much work I think you agree with me.
I read a lot about creating my own template to do that. I guess it could fit but I see one problem and I don’t know if a template can overcome it.
My dataframe is composed of 3 columns per year, one column with the date, one column with the data and one empty column. What I want to do is to add a formula in every empty column. The problem is the formula is different in each empty column (it’s basically a subtraction of my cell A$1- one cell data from my data column, which change every year)
The number of year can change through the data I’m using.
So I need a template that can automatically fill a number undetermined of columns with a formula (and enter I don’t know how on what cell are based the formulas)
Is it possible to do with a template ? or should I really learn macro ? Because I feel it’ll really be difficult for me to learn Basic, as it seems really unnatural for me and I’m not a god in programming too.
BTW if it’s possible is there a way to only format one sheet and apply the same format for each of them ?
Thank you for your answer