Can we export all "Add to Dictionary" and "Always auto-correct to" data's and settings?

It would be a big help. I have spent many hours decorating, learning and maintain it, which I don’t want to lose it.
It would save billions of hours of the time of mine.

Does the export settings allow this?

I want to install an updated version of LibreOffice and Snapcraft doesn’t update it much. I have to literally tell them.
So, I want to install through flatpak. They keep things updated.

Updating does not change custom settings at all, it just update the program, not the user data. If you want to be sure (or replicate those settings on a different system), just copy the user profile to the new location: this way you’ll preserve all your custom settings.

As i mentioned in the question, I will install new updated LibreOffice ( through “Flatpak”. And that means i will be uninstalling Snapcraft’s old ( Can u be more specific about “User profile”? Is this a folder i can copy? I went to Computer>Snap>LibreOffice and i can see 104, 106 & Current. Which one should i choose? How deep should i go? Should i choose “Current” named folder, which probably tells this is the current configuration?

Follow the link I provided. And yes, the user profile is stored on a single folder, you can see which one on Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Paths (that’s also explained in the link above). I’ve never used flatpak packages so I cannot tell you were that folder is stored.

Thanks @RGB-es