Can you run Libreoffice files in microsoft office 11

can you run libreoffice files in office 11 ???

Do you mean Microsoft Office 2013?

If you are considering a “migration” to free software there are a few (??) more points of relevance - and these heavily depending on specifics of your situation.

There is an Office 11 for Mac which is equivilant with Windows Office 2010. Do you have a Mac?

yeah i was mistaking i meant ms office 2013 …

I don’t know - because there is no microsoft office 11 on my pc, maybe youre asking in wrong forum??

ok il try to ask somewhere else

I also don’t know an Offce (20)11. but there is an MS Office 2013.

See “Support of ISO standardized OpenDocument (ODF) format” in this URL.

Let me explain my thoughts a bit.

What you name “Libreoffice files” should be ISO standardised Open Document Files. LibreOffice (as also Apache Openoffice and some other suites) are dedicated to compliance with this standard. This cannot mean that the files created by different applications will be rendered in exactly the same way after opening and/or that a (formatting, e.g.) feature (or in specific the UI) one suite supports will also be supported by another one, let alone by MS Office. Vice versa ODF compliant suites will never work with an MS-Office-file like with one from their own breed.

All the current openly documented standards of the “persistent representation” of a document, file formats in short, are based on XML, and one of the basic intentions of XML is to allow an interpreting software to smply ignore “tags” without losing the information contained in others. The standard doesn’t prohibit to “invent” additional tags and corresponding functionality. It shall only ensure that all the rest of the information won’t be senseless without the additional part. One Example: As far as I know the relevant ‘Conditional Formatting’ in spreadsheets isn’t covered at all in the ODF specifications. (This pragraph may be not correct in every detail as I am not a true expert.)

MS may include limited support for ODF in its (not integrated) suite also for ‘Mac OSX(R)’ after the beginning with ‘Windows(R)’. This is to show an at least rudimentary willingness of cooperation and to escape some criticism this way. And it is to open a way for (institutional) users of Free Suites to “remorsfully turn back” without losing their documents or needing a complicated conversion process. Nonetheless, I think, they will never support Linux. The basic interest of MS is to make money, this to a huge extent by “selling” software that they subsequently still claim their property and thus any cooperation with the free and open software parties will always be part of a strategy aiming at final victory. There wont’ be “true peace” with the free software movement.

Assuming Office for Mac version 11, same as Office 2010, not quite cuz ODF support before Office 2013 is limited. If you save in v1.2 non-Extended you should have better success.