why can’t I add new records to this form? Primary key = id-lid on both tables
Your picture seems to show id-crew for the crew-table as primary key instead.
You try to add to a joined table, not the individual tables??
Id-lid are the joined keys. Id-crew of table crew is primary key. Id-lid of table leden is primary key. Sorry for the mistake. And yes i want to add a new record for a new crew member where the address data are the ones found with the jouned table. I hope you understand what i mean.
You will need the primary key of both tables in the query. Then you could add records to the query. You could add values for “crew” and add id-lid for “crew”. Then save the record ad the connected row of the other table will be shown.
But: Better would be a construction with mainform and subform.
subform was the solution, yhx