Cannot Break Links to External Files in version 7

Hello everyone.

I am writing a Feasibility Study, that means I have to copy and paste tables dynamically from Calc to Writer. For that purpose I use the DDE paste option

Until version 6 of Libreoffice, if I wanted to delete a linked table from writer, I just broke the link from “Link to external files” tab , and then normally the table could be deleted.

Although, after the releasing of version 7 of Libreoffice, I do the same process, but after breaking the link when I try to delete the pasted table in Writer, I always receive a message which says that I cannot modify linked tables. Also, if I close and reopen Writer after breaking the link, the table is still updated.

Is there any way to break links from external files and delete the tables in Version 7?

Thank you !

The specification version 7 cannot necessarily lead to an identification.

Please specify your LibreOffice version in the form 7.x.x, see:
How to find out the version number information for LibreOffice?

Please also specify your operating system. Thank you.

I use the the Libreoffice Version 7.1.5 and I run it on Ubuntu 21.04.1 and on Mac OS X 10.15.7.

I have the same issue on both OS.

The behaviour in LO on LinuxMint-20.2-64 (my test environment) is the same and obviously buggy. Write a bug report.

Workaround: To erase the DDE-table you can proceed this way:

  • Select a paragraph (empty paragraph) just above the table and select paragraph and table, then hit the DEL key or the BACKSPACE key - paragraph and table will be erased. Simultanously the link also will be erased (menu Edit | Links…).


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It works!

Thank you very much!