Cannot connect LO Base db to MySQL

I have set up a MariaDB server on my Ubuntu Linux desktop, and imported an important database. I would like to use Base as a front end, to query and use this MariaDB database, but my attempts have been futile, this far.

I have installed libreoffice-mysql-connector and also mysql-connector-j_8.3.0-1ubuntu22.04_all.deb

The Error says: "The connection to the data source “DB-name” could not be established. Cannot connect to MySQL server on (111) ./connectivity/source/drivers/mysqlc/mysqlc_general.cxx:119

I try to run the various tutorials and nothing resolves it. Any help would be appreciated.

Really this IP? Should be “localhost” or “”.
Which connection did you try? Direct connection or JDBC-connection?

Apart from @RobertG 's comment, which could just be a copy/paste error, but still needs checking, is the DB you are trying to connect to really called DB-name? What is the the connection string displayed into connection setup properties?

The most common errors are:

  • having used the default mariadb setup configuration on Ubuntu which doesn’t allow remote access to the database server - by default, this remote access is closed to IP addresses that are not the local host’s ip address (and has nothing to do with LO) - allowing remote access to the mariadb instance requires a change to the configuration file to get the server to listen to the allowed range or ip address identification;

  • errors in the connection string;

  • use of a mariadb snap package (if one even exists) on Ubuntu without activating the get out of jail options.

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