Hi all,
I looked over every post I found regarding this matter but I was unable to make things work, so I must ask:
Bigger picture: On my laptop (win10) I installed libre office an earlier version and last few days I upgraded to (last one at this moment). With libre base I created a database which keeps inventory of electronic components in my company. Nothing too fancy, max. 10 tables, one table is bigger, with components codes, various other information and some pictures. All is kept in embedded firebird, one .odb file, approx. 5mbytes size. I have one form in base which helps me populate database and which helps me with searches. But it is not enough, there are many operations I must perform and which must be done in a separate application I have to write. Only IDE I can use is visual studio community and this one knows to connect to firebird database, but not embedded type. Only with .fdb files. For that purpose, I installed visual studio community 2015 with appropiate modifications to be able to connect with firebird databases and also installed firebird 2.5.8 for x64. I created an empty database ( .fdb file) and I succesfully connected it with visual studio.
But until the app is done, I have to populate .fdb database and I thought I can do this with libre base. But I was wrong. Here are the steps I did:
open base, in wizard, connect to an existing database, (from combo) select firebird file
next, browse to .fdb file
next, yes, register the database in libreoffice, after database file saved, open for editing
finish, save a .odb file
following error occurs:
the connection to the datasource could not be established
firebird_sdbc error:
*Unable to complete network requests to host ‘Flo’
*Failed to locate host machine
*The specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domanin Name Services
caused by:
What I did (but without results) following various advice from posts:
at options/advanced I have 2 jre installed, 1.8.0_211 and 12.0.1, ‘enable experimental features’ checked
jdbc drivers are downloaded and their paths is defined in ‘class path’
hosts file contains ‘Flo’,
So, how can I make it work. What have I done wrong?
Thanks in advance.