Cannot Create New Style in Writer

System Information:
Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon v5.4.12
Kernel: 5.15.0-117 generic
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 w/Radeon Graphicsx6
Memory 7.2GB (plus 8 GB swap)
HD: 512 GB
Graphics: AMD Cezanne
LibreOffice ver: 7.3.7

I am new to using Styles. The plethora of defaults is just confusing noise to me, so I would like to make a custom style set. Also, I cannot remember which heading number correlates to which of the styles, and that makes the whole process take up more time than just manually formatting the text.

When I try to set a new custom style, I cannot. In the sidebar, I collapsed the Default Paragraph Style tree, right clicked the empty space, and clicked “New”. I named the new style Textbook v1.0, and it appears under the Default Paragraph Style! Now, it is in that cacophy of noise and unusable. :frowning_face:

I’ve seen some other problems with it too. I set up styles and updated the headings. I wanted to use the styles in multiple documents, so I saved the document under a new name to begin using it on the first document. (picture below shows the first page where I set up the new styles.) When I apply those styles later in the document, it does not maintain the style characteristics. For example, when I clicked Heading 1 – which is supposed to be 28 pt, bold, underlined – it gave me 14 pt bold text.

The first page still has those styles saved, but, when used later, the styles are incorrect (as I described above.) Neither could I update the styles by clicking update style on that first page. I had to clone the formatting of the first page to a later section of the new document and then update the style.

Additionally, using ctrl+F11 does not bring up the new style menu. It simply does nothing.

I’m thoroughly confused now, after spending all afternoon troubleshooting this to no avail.

To use styles and templates first check the dedicated literature for that and avoid trial and error proceedings.

I spent several hours over the last few days reading the several chapters dedicated to Styles. I took the time to explore each dialogue window as it came up in the text as well. Honestly, that was a very poor use of my time as I still have no idea how to set up what I want to do.

I can read technical language, and have written 50+ page technical documents in the past. But this documentation’s helpfulness was limited to showing me that what I want to do is fairy technical and will require further study after this wasted effort.

Please do not offer this advice in the future.

You bring up some good points, and I thank you for the detailed answer.

This aspect of documentation creation is very complicated, and I will need to do much additional study before I am ready to set this up.

After reading through the LO documentation on Styles, I do feel the need to push back a bit on your objection to my comment that the interface is noisy. I went into each tab of every dialogue menu that popped up while reading the documentation manual, and I still find the interface very unneccesarily cluttered.

That being said, I came back to your reply several times while reading through the documentation to help make sense of it. Your reply also helped me to see that there is utility in Styles, if I can get through the complicated aspects. Now, I just have to find another source to help me make sense of them.

Thank you.

Benefiting from styles requires a change of mind. You don’t write “spontaneously” and randomly. Whatever you produce (a letter to your girlfriend, a plea to a consumer department, a technical book, a novel, …) has some internal logic and structure. Every word or sentence has a significance: addressee, context presentation, argumented facts, requests, formal salutation, …

Styles are a mirror of these significances.

Caricaturally, how the styles are rendered is secondary. What is important is to tag your text with your author’s point of view about the “usage” of paragraphs , sentences and words. I don’t know if it is still done in school: when I was young, you were given texts (poetry, plays, novels, …) and you had to analyse them (nearly parse them) in search of meaning, structure and development of argumentation.

This is what styles provide: this markup is invisible to the reader but is your main tool to improve the appearance of the document. The markup itself is little liable to change (it is part of the “message”) but how it looks (font face, size, weight, spacing, …) will be iterated upon until you’re satisfied with the result.

This new approach to document formatting can’t be acquired in 10 minutes. It requires years of practice (and failures) to reach an appropriate level.

Built-in styles offer a basic set of styles, both as a convenience to start immediately using them and as a demonstration of what can be done with them.

The screenshot shows you have selected hierarchical view. This view hints at the various style families, i.e. those which are shown at level one, just under Default Paragraph Style.

The hierarchy is a handy feature to customise in a single operation styles which are under one. For example, changing the language in Default Paragraph Style will cascade to all other styles and apply this language to spellchecking. Changing the font face in Heading will change it for all Heading n.

The groups created by the hierarchy indicates the “domain”. Those under Body Text will be used for your main discourse, those une Heading for your headings, etc. Generally, you don’t apply non-terminal styles (those which have other styles under them). However, I don’t think this rule holds for Body Text.

Style name suggest their usage in your document. This is far better that naming a style Yellow Bold because formatting tuning will request changing visual attributes to achieve the aesthetic result. What would be your Yellow Bold if its attributes become red and italic? You’ll need to rename it.

The collection of built-in style is not confusing noise. It points toward a methodic styling method called semantic styling where styles are a kind of markup for your document, indicating the significance of the marked text.

Consider italics. It is traditionally used to either emphasise words or sentences or to mark a foreign word. If you use the same style Italic for both significances, you can’t handle separately emphasis and foreign words. You should apply an Emphasis (buit-in) or Foreign (to be created) style. Now you can change the highlight without tracking the occurrences in your text.

According to the hierarchical philosophy, this is intended. Default Paragraph Style is the ultimate ancestors of all other styles. All styles inherit their initial attributes from it. Therefore, non overridden attributes are the same and changing them in Default Character Style will also be forwarded to your style.

Of course, any attribute you force will be unaffected.

You can also create styles from your user style. They will inherit from yours. This is how Heading n have an intermediate ancestor Heading before Default Character Style.

The feature is very powerful and reveals its convenience when you work on formatting tuning. But designing a consistent hierarchical set is not immediate.

If you really want a style independent from Default Paragraph Style, go to Organizer tab during creation and set *Inherit from` to -None-. I don’t recommend it because you’ll lose a lot of versatility, usefulness and comfort.

When you start styling thoroughly a document, take great care not to create conflicts.

To ease transition from Word which is not as advanced as Writer style-wise, Writer kept the possibility to add manually attributes on your text (through toolbar buttons or keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+I). This is called direct formatting.

There are 3 independent formatting layers in Writer, from deepest to shallowest:

  • paragraph style,
  • character style,
  • direct formatting

Each higher layer overrides the shallower ones. Therefore, if you left some direct formatting somewhere in your document and start typing there, your text uses the state of the 3 layers. When you apply a paragraph style, this modifies only the state of the paragraph layer.

If your direct formatting requests a conflicting attribute (say it is italic while paragraph style configures as Roman), direct formatting wins.

Direct formatting is a formatting trap. Use it with parsimony and only when you can’t do it with styles or when it is a one-of-a-kind event. Direct formatting is a speedway to formatting nightmare. Avoid it.

THere is a much better way to reuse styles from a document. Record your styles in a template (file extension .ott). The Writer Guide has a chapter dedicated to templates. Read it once you are familiar with styles.

As shipped from the factory, Ctrl+F11 is assigned to Set Focus in Combo Box in Writer. The style sidepane is displayed with F11 without any modifiers.

All keyboard shortcuts are listed in Tools>Customize.