Cannot create Writer or Calc documents from File Explorer right-click menu

In Windows 10 in a folder, when I right-click and select New, there is an option to create an OpenDocument Drawing, but none for a Writer or Calc document. I have set the appropriate registry entry, for example for Writer:


to the appropriate file:

C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\template\shellnew\soffice.odt

And that file exists. Last time I updated LibreOffice, an option for a Writer and Calc document did show up in the right-click menu. However, a few days later, it had disappeared again.

This ability to create a new document where you need it to be with right-click is very handy of course. Really appreciate any suggestions to get this back.

Are you using any “Registry Cleaner” software?

Nope, no registry cleaner software, or third party security software being used.