Cannot get calc to use dates for x-axis

Hi, all.

I have a chart set up as follows:

I would like to use the dates in the top row as my ‘x’ values, and label my x-axis accordingly. Calc seems to have other ideas, giving me a scale of:

12.30 01.01 01.03 01.05 01.07…

As you can see, the dates used bear no resemblence to the dates in the spreadsheet.

The dates currently on the ‘scale’ tab under ‘edit x-axis’ shows a range from 30/12/1899 to 26/02/1900. If I try to edit these numbers to insert the actual range, my data disappears - presumably because calc thinks they are 125 years into the future.

I have tried reformatting row 1 to text, and setting the ‘formatting’ option under ‘edit x axis’ to ‘text’. I have also tried ‘date’. ‘personalized’ and about everything else I can think of. I have googled till my fingers were sore.

I generally consider myself rather proficient with this software but then something like this hits and I want to pull out what little is left of my hair. Help? Plz? This gal will be eternally grateful…


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It seems that 12.30 is a bit less than 13. You must format this cells as dates with the format code “MM.DD” (and paste special as dates).