Can't apply filters in command line convertion

I’m trying to convert docx file to pdf via command line. So the convertion itself goes well and I get a pdf file but the thing is I want to disable copying in pdf. I can do it when I make an export in Writer GUI in Security section so it is possible somehow. I found this page PDF CLI Parameters with possible options so my command looks like this:

soffice --headless --convert-to ‘pdf:draw_pdf_Export:{“EncryptFile”: {“type”:“boolean”,“value”:“true”},“DocumentOpenPassword”:{“type”:“string”,“value”:“secret”},“EnableCopyingOfContent”:{“type”:“boolean”,“value”:“false”}}’ ‘/var/www/html/temp.emp/public/template.docx’ --outdir ‘/var/www/html/temp.emp/public’

But filters don’t work. Am I missing something here?

You are missing RestrictPermissions option.