There are paragraph styles called header (heder1, 2 etc.). When I edit them (I edit indention) and save - there are no affect. Even resetting to default values. I have indents 0.76cm. Is it possible to edit default styles and which values do you have? Maybe I need to reset my LO?
How did you edit your paragraph styles? Detailed steps are needed to understand your problem.
Which LibO version and which OS are you using?
Can you attach a sample file? (Be aware that this forum is public and show only a content suitable!)
I edit styles pressing F11-> then choose style and click edit. Then apply. Dropbox - Error
This is example. I can’t change indention of bold styled paragraph.
@oweng My LO localization is russian, so I translated it in Google
@ROSt53 LO OS - Ubuntu 14.04
Thanks for clarifying and providing an example document. I can edit the Heading 1 style OK under Crunchbang 11 x86_64 running v4.2.5.2 Build ID: 61cb170a04bb1f12e77c884eab9192be736ec5f5:
Any changes to the indentation or bold setting (Font tab) are reflected as expected. It may be an issue with the Ubuntu-provided variant of LO, in which case have a look on the Launchpad for a related bug report.