Can't connect to data source after pc reset

I have just reset my Windows 11 tablet, reinstalled the latest 64bit LO, tried to open my existing split database which is stored in the cloud (Mega) and got the following error:-

The connection to the data source “Split_HSQLDB_2.3.2_Wizard_v3d” could not be established.

The driver class “org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver” could not be loaded.The additional driver class path is “file:///C:/Users/*******/Documents/Database/Split/driver/hsqldb.jar”.

I have the 64bit version of Java installed.

The error message is clear. Install your hsqldb.jar as you did on the old system.

I tried that but no change. It seems like the path is correct except for the omission of “mega/” after “documents”

You’ll have to forgive me. I’m a complete novice when it comes to this.

But somehow you managed to connect a Base document to an external database.
Install this extension of mine:
Open your document and call Tools>Macros>Run…
Navigate FreeHSQLDB>FreeHSQLDB and run the “Main” routine.
A dialog pops up where you can specify the path to your external database and the path to the hsqldb.jar.

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Working again. Many thanks