Can't delete keyword directory entry


I’m using LO and have a problem with my document.
I have a keyword directory at the end of my document and have created my own external SDI file for my keywords (using a normal text editor) and inserted it into the corresponding dialog. This works fine!
However, it seems that I have inadvertently added a keyword within the document that is not present in my default SDI list.
If I now double-click the word in the document (or alternatively call it up via menu), a dialog also appears with the words that were added in the document itself. But I cannot delete them! There is no button for this (only OK and Cancel). Even with the DELETE key I cannot delete anything in this list. This did work before, as far as I can remember. Why is it no longer possible to delete the keyword entries? Is this a bug?
I usually rely on my external file (SDI), but now this one word shows up in my keyword directory that shouldn’t be there and can’t be deleted. How can I delete it again?

Thank you for help oder hints!

I did a little test! I copied the document and opened this copy. Then I deleted the keyword directory in the document and saved everything. When I opened the document again, the keyword directory was deleted, but all the words from the keyword directory were still highlighted in the document and you can’t delete the keywords! Why can’t I delete them? It shouldn’t be the case that they are still in the document!

So, I have now opened the copied document under Linux with LO 7.4 and it is exactly the same!
The keywords in the document can no longer be deleted!
For me, this is a function that absolutely does not work! Maybe someone else has an idea, but why is something like this built in if it doesn’t work anyway! And apparently it hasn’t for a long time!

I think, this is a really big bug!

Edit again:
Here comes the strange part, because I was looking for a solution, I saved the document in MS Office 365 format for testing and loaded it again. After that, the keyword markers were only in a small area in front of the words! Just a few pixels wide and I could click on them. The usual dialog opened in which you could also delete the keywords!

I have no idea why that worked! But now I can finally delete the keywords from the document! Could it be that there is a setting somewhere that prevents you from deleting keywords? If so, where is it?

One final edit:
So, I have now been able to solve the problem with a “workaround”. Since I was finally able to edit and delete the keywords in the document in the saved .DOCX file, I was able to delete all keywords. However, I noticed that LO apparently made up to 10 entries or markers in front of each found word. This function seems to be extremely faulty. However, I would like to know what “special characters” are placed in front of these words so that they are marked as keywords. Maybe there would be a way to filter them out more easily than using the faulty function in LO!

Could you attach the original file?
Should I understand you’re working with .docx and not .odt? If this is the case you cumulate the problems of M$ Word (which format is not fully understood) and LO Writer (potential remaining bugs) with all the approximations during conversions from/to foreign format. Additionally, repeated open-save cycles tend to make things worse with approximations over approximations over approximations … After a certain number of edits, your document can no longer be considered as a “pure” DOCX and its conversion to internal format is questionable.

Cross posted at Reddit

If you cross post, as a courtesy please let us know that you have done so, otherwise it leads to several discussions and a waste of time because several identical answers may be posted by different users.

I have posted on various forums so that I can reach more people to solve the problem. Sorry if I have confused things with this.

No, unfortunately I cannot pass on the original file. I’m sorry, that’s not possible.
But as I wrote above, I always use ODT to write documents. As I wrote above, I copied the file and saved it as DOCX for testing, as I could then see the problem better and also isolate it.
The fact is that keywords seem to be marked several times in front of the words.
This also prevented me from opening the normal dialog to edit the keywords. When I clicked on the words, only a list of keywords appeared, but these could not be edited. I clicked wildly all over the word and at some point I hit a place where the normal dialog opened to edit the keywords. Something overlaps that shouldn’t be there. I will no longer use this and prefer to do everything manually now, as this function is clearly faulty! But even when I had the dialog for editing (normally accessible by double-clicking on the word…) open, it was practically impossible to delete the keywords. With every keyword I deleted, LO almost got stuck and it took an infinitely long time!
However, I have now been able to solve the problem differently. I found a macro for LO that cleans the document of keywords and removes them. This solved the problem.

The only problem that remains for me is that I now have to manage a keyword list completely manually and also create the corresponding keyword directory manually. The LO function for this is not usable or has bugs!

And indeed that is a practical approach. There is nothing wrong with cross posting per se; just remember to do potential helpers the courtesy of letting them know where you have posted, to save them duplicating the effort and responses of others elsewhere.