Can't figure out how to have descending dates on columns

Hi, So I tried to put the date in the first column in the spreadsheet and format it for date. It didn’t provide the next date when I pushed enter, it just remained blank. How can I format so that I can get the next date in every column cell?

Why did you tag writer and common (= Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base and Math)? Are you trying create tables with dates in all applications?

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Formatting don’t change the actual content of any cell. It just tells how to present the content.
So for currency the € or $ is not part of the value.
A empty cell remains empty.

If you want to fill the column with increasing dates select your first cell. Click at the little square to the lower right corner and drag this down the column.
When you release the square the cells are filled with increasing values…
(one exeption: if you hold the Ctrl-key while releasing the mouse, there is no increasing of the contents of cells.)

You could also use a formula like
In cell a2 and copy this down the column, if sorting is not an issue…

Edit: As Karolus hinted I read ascending dates descending down the column. But descending dates are possible with the same method, if Calc gets a hint:
Write two descending dates below each other,
A1: 2021-09-21 in yyyy-mm-dd
A2: 2021-09-20
and mark both cells (mouse-click and shift click for the second cell)
If you now drag the little square down, Calc detects the descending dates and continues accordingly. ( Also works with week or other difference)

Formula solution should be obvious…

OQ talked of descending dates “on” columns.
(Generally I simply didn’t understand the question. “It”, “it” …would require annotations in every case here, what “it” meant.)

maybe we should read it as "ascending dates" in "descending rows" ? who knows ??

Thank you, you provided the solution. I just clicked on the first cell like you said and clicked on the right of the cell and dragged down and it populated everything with dates. Wonderful! just what I wanted to know. Thanks.

As already explained, I didn’t actually understand the question.
Guessing (like @karolus) I made a little sheet showing how something of the kind could be achieved using formulas:
disask68295autoIncrementDatePre.ods (323.2 KB)

The size of the file is due to the (too?) large range of rows prepared by formulas in column A. The sheet is looking ahead by them about 100 years.