Can't insert images from my Android phone through OTG directly

Libreoffice (x64) on Windows 10 1909

Phone: Android 9

Steps to reproduce:
Open Libreoffice Writer, select Insert-Image, select a jpg file from Internal Storage\DCIM\Camera in File Exlorer.

Every time, there is a unknown file type message.
The solution is to transfer the file to the computer and select it from there. I think this is a bug

How is your phone connected to your computer?

Through a USB C to USB A cable I got with the phone.

And the protocol?

I think this is a bug

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Well, I was told on the wiki that if I am not sure about posting a bug to bugzilla, I can put it here.

Protocol? I don’t know, the default one under “File transfer” option when connecting to the computer.

Do you have another option to choose such as USB drive or similar?

P. S. I confirm the issue under Windows 7 with an Android device connected by MTP, but it is the same with MS Word. Thus, it is irrelevant for LibreOffice and is either with Windows, or with Android.

The other options are: USB tethering, midi, ptp or none.

Then there is no chance with your device.