Can't open files from /tmp dir, using Flatpak version with TMPFS file system for /tmp

I’m using the Flatpak version of LibreOffice.
Distro: Fedora 38
Kernel: 6.1.18
Main filesystem: BTRFS
/tmp filesystem: TMPFS
The version of LO:
Often I download files into /tmp dir because I use them only once. But trying to open the document, stops Libreoffice apps at all. I can’t open other apps, even new windows. I have to reboot to restore the functionality of LO.
I know, that Flatpak may have issues. So can you only show an alert or warning when opening such files? I want at least not loosing all functionality of apps.

LibreOffice containers don’t work properly. May be you find a way to configure flatpak for using /tmp but this is not the only issue with containers. Simply install the true software packages for your OS. Not having the very latest version is not as bad as container packages.

Therefore you should do a bug-report at Bugzilla, so developers may notice. [ Edit: ok, already done ] The problem with security features is sometimes they didn’t tell “the program” proper codes. But usually LibreOffice should not stumble on a not available file, so something else must cause trouble here.
Work-around either like @Villeroy suggested or use an additional tmp-folder in $HOME, wich should be accessible. The other option to change the manifest you have to repeat for every new version, wich installed via flathub…

flatpak override --user --filesystem=/tmp org.libreoffice.LibreOffice

helped. So can you add this to flatpak manifest? There is the reason of the bug.
And the solution of GIMP:

Thank you for your attention

Please file a bug and provide the solution along, and report the resulting bug number back here in the form tdf#123456. Thanks.

Such one?

I am unsure if this is the correct fix. This use case is just one of many possible; and LibreOffice is created to enable user to open files from where they want. This seems to contradict with the whole idea of limiting filesystem access for the container. Adding exceptions one by one, just because someone happened to try and fail, would eventually lead to listing everything.

Maybe just do that from the start?

Ok. What do you suggest?

Likely this?

/tmp is a special directory. It’s mounted by systemd. And it is not being accessed by host permission. And developers of GIMP have made such a solution.