can't open files in google drive

I just started to use Ubuntu 19.10 and have a Libre Office problem.

I added my Google account to GNOME accounts.

I can see and reach my files with the Files program. I can open PDF and MP4 files w/o problem.

However Office docs can not be opened by libreoffice; it tries to open but suddenly stops with no error message.

If I copy the doc to local drive, it just works fine.

It looks like a cache problem but I don’t know how to fix it.

Would you mind to tell us the error message?

The approximate problem is that the files mounted with gvfs are handled as hash keys. The same problem occurs if you want to upload the file to a website with Chrome.

I have read about it elsewhere and nautilus reads the human readable filename form some attribute, but LibreOffice, Chrome and likely other programs doesn’t.

Hope it can help you on the way towards a solution.


Du you ask in the searchbar?

There are many answers.