I have LO 410 (Build:3) running on Fedora 19 x64.
I’ve been away for a month, came back, updated my system, and now find that LO won’t open my ODS spreadsheets. It opens XLS spreadsheets fine. None of these are complicated or large. It brings up the splash screen and then just fails. If I open LO without a file and try and open an ODS spreadsheet it crashes.
I’ve tried removing my profile to no effect.
Opening the file from the command line brings up:
/usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/…/program/libsclo.so: undefined symbol: _ZN20XMLPropertySetMapperC1EPK19XMLPropertyMapEntryRK12UniReferenceI25XMLPropertyHandlerFactoryE