Can't place cursor in footer

I’m using the resume template Traditional Elegance from 8 Top Open Office Resume Templates and Writing Guide and I’d like for the bottom border to go up a bit and a footer to be inserted below the border. It seems that’s not possible by default and I have to use a workaround similar to RGB-es reply to Placing Header and Footer outside the Page Border in Writer? - English - Ask LibreOffice.

However to be able to do the workaround, I must be able to place cursor in footer, which I can’t. I’ve tried many options and none will allow me to insert any text or any object in the footer.

Please let me know how to place the cursor in the footer of the resume template.

Thank you kindly

Disable the Footer, apply, and reenable.

EDIT: Setting some area color to the footer will show that it is tiny.

EDIT 2: As a workaround to the border position: set a background image with it.


I was going to ask as a follow-up how to make a pager that skips the cover page. I did it by myself but it doesn’t look elegant to me: How do I get my page count to not count my title page? (How do I offset the page count?) - Apache OpenOffice Wiki.

If you goal is simply to number the pages, don’t play with contorted tricks. The link you mention is about page count, not page number. To create parts with different page number properties, use page styles.

For a cover page, use built-in First Page. It will automatically switch to Default Page Style after page break. You can now have your cover page unnumbered and all others numbered. To start numbering from one, Insert>More Breaks>Manual Break so that you can force the starting page number.

I omitted the easier part, the one you brought up. Pager: Page X of Y.

The trick you linked to is only necessary for Y if you don’t want to include the unnumbered cover page in the count.

First this Traditional Elegance is not technically a template but an ordinary document file (extension .odt).

If you have enabled View>Text Boundaries (and View>Formatting Marks), you clearly see that the footer is quite close to the page border. This is quite upsetting because there is not a real difference between footer and text. The footer contains “© This Free Resume Template …” on right pages and nothing on left page.

I wouldn’t trust this model as it is globally direct formatted with rare use of styles and a dependence on empty paragraphs for vertical spacing.

For this you must restructure the document. Nothing can be written outside the page border (which displays the limit of the text area). You must reconfigure the page style. Personally, I’d throw away the page border which is aesthetically questionable. This would give you more freedom in organizing and structuring your footer.

Don’t go for the frame idea suggested in the question you mentioned. Frames are complex and difficult for newbies (and even for experts). Consider them as a last resort if you really can’t make do with traditional approach. Remember that frames result frequently in unstable documents.

Thank you for the warning but this is only for myself, in limited use, and may very well only keep its text in my next update (thus revamped formatting).