Can't save a hot key assignment, ctrl+end = insert table

I have two problems that could be related. The hot key for “go to document end” should be ctrl+end but instead it opens “insert table”. When I checked the hot key assignment for ctrl+end it is in fact assigned to “go to end of document.” Looked for “insert table” to see if it was assigned the same hot key and could not find it. Trying in safe mode failed, as did a clean reinstall. The other issue is that when I try to assign a new hot key it won’t save. Assign, modify, saved as a new configuration, even rebooted writer. Will not save the assigned key. Also not fixed by reinstall. Could there be a corrupted shortcuts file or something?

Yes, I did read the guidelines and attempted to follow them as best i could. I dont have code snippets. Is this just a standard bot reply or can someone tell me my error?

What operating system and LibreOffice version? See This is the guide - How to use the Ask site? - #3 by Hrbrgr

The shortcut for Table > Insert Table is Ctrl+F12 (possibly Ctrl+fn+F12 if the laptop manufacturer has remapped the F keys).

Probably related to this question on Dell site where the manufacturer has Home shared with F11 & End with F12,

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The fuction name is “Table”.

Please, share a screenshot just before you press the Modify button. Thanks.